Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blurring the lines - Occupy 2.0

The thing that angers the media the most, besides specific leaders they can target, is the non-partisan/bi-partisan/independent/I'mjustpissedthefuckoff demographic of the Occupy protests. The likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, you know, the usual folks who want to resort to character attacks instead of the message, they're baffled by this.

They were thrilled to find a convenient target in the "dirty, lazy hippies who don't want to work". Quickly though, it got confusing for them when that same "dirty hippie" was marching next to a priest or a minister, who was marching next to a veteran, who was marching next to a Ron Paul supporter.

"We need leaders to speak to" they clamored. Yeah, appoint a leader and then the media attacks that person, vilifies them and distracts from the message.

"Why are these people protesting when they could be looking for jobs?" they said in snarky sound clips. We either can't find jobs or we have jobs and protest on the weekends. Ever notice how big the protests are on Saturdays and Sundays?

"We need a clear set of demands or we can't take this seriously" they said. Gee, the name "Occupy Wall Street" wasn't obvious enough for you? There's many demands but the fixed, crony game of cards that is our economy is the main one.

They want to say that we're "jealous of success" and participating in "class warfare". When the bully who has run the playground for years suddenly finds himself confronted by all the other kids who he's victimized, he usually runs to the teacher for help. Same tactic.

We've transcended the lines between "conservative" and "liberal". We're beyond "left vs. right" and it is pissing the media off.


  1. And it's about time.....the left needs a voice that can be heard. But you're right (as always) about the media's take on this. We need to leave them confused for awhile. A leader of some sort will surface from the Occupy movement (God pity his soul). A full front-on attack from the media will ensue. At this point though, let them stay confused, it just strengthens our point.

  2. I've never liked dichotomies like left/right, Republican/Democrat, progressive/conservative. All of those terms are nice neat boxes that hardly describe anyone or any movement.

    For instance, it's sobering to compare today's Occupy movement with the original scope and purpose of the Tea Party from five-seven years ago. One was preempted by corporate interests, and the other faces preemption by interests that don't reflect the movement's current directions.
