Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Banned again 4/24/13

Due to the usual onslaught by a collective of "liberals", a number of our admins have been locked out of our accounts.

We will NOT be silenced or intimidated, and we aren't going anywhere either.


  1. Liberals? Really? This seems a bit over my would seem that conservatives would have just as much a gripe with you. Your blog is pretty middle-of-the-road and really shows what most of us are thinking. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dude you've been hit with malware. I'm getting popups like crazy! check it out!

  3. It was the usual suspects once again that got one of my profiles a trip to Ban Antonio.

  4. Big Al, they aren't really liberal, they're assholes. There's a difference. Yeah, liberal's can be assholes, but there is something crazy with these sites in particular (they aren't liberal, they are hive mind control which sounds odd but that's the philosophy. And while you can't make money off a FB page, you can by linking to 'yellow journalism' sites. Not opinion pages or blogs, but pages that pretend to be news).

    Anyway, who is Sam?

    1. Sam is one of our fans that we brought on as an admin. We periodically add some of our loyal viewers who have their own pages to help us out, especially when we are under attack like we are now.

  5. So have they taken your total facebook page off? Can't seem to find you at all. (Deb Fincher)

  6. Still drawing breath, guy? Haven't heard from you in quite a while.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
